Fatty Liver Disease is a $2.8 billion public health problem.
Tawazun Health is helping to fight the Fatty Liver Pandemic with FibroScan®, now recognised worldwide as the reference for non-invasive liver diagnosis.
- 4,800 peer-reviewed publications
- 180 clinical guideline recommendations
- Thousands of completed FibroScan®’s on 4 continents
With a quick, painless ultrasound method and easily understood CAP score (controlled attenuation parameter), FibroScan® offers a non-invasive alternative for liver screening. There is no discomfort, no sample handling, and no need to wait for results.
Supported by the Global Liver Institute, British Liver Trust, Australian Liver Foundation and others.
FibroScan® is emerging as the transformative force in the global fight against Fatty Liver Disease.
Enhance patient experiences with FibroScan® liver health screenings.
FibroScan® screenings from Tawazun Health measure liver fattiness and stiffness in 15 minutes with a painless, non-invasive process.
- FibroScan® provides accurate liver fattiness and stiffness measurements, where blood tests only assess stiffness
- Shear wave ultrasound technology alleviates the discomfort of traditional liver health checks
- Large 3cm3 tissue analysis increases the accuracy of results
- We can perform FibroScan® in clinical, corporate and private facilities
- FibroScan® CAP scores provide an easily understood ‘traffic light’ system that has proven effective in encouraging positive lifestyle changes
FibroScan® screening by Tawazun Health revolutionise FLD symptom detection and diagnosis, with none of the associated patient discomfort. Tawazun Health partners with hospitals, health researchers and private clinics globally. Tawazun Health, led by internationally respected Hepatology Nurse Consultant, Patient Advocate, Fellow of The College of Physicians and Clinical Director Louise Campbell, is committed to providing the ability to help fight the Fatty Liver Pandemic with a quality assured service regulated by the UK’s Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Committed to helping health providers.
Tawazun Health Founder, Louise Campbell, is an internationally respected Hepatology Nurse Consultant and the first nurse to be awarded a Fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians. Learn how Louise’s work shapes FibroScan® pathway design to improve liver health worldwide.
The dark reality of FLD.
1.1 billion
estimated to have NAFLD worldwide.
1 in 3
working adults exhibited elevated liver fattiness in FibroScan® results.
of the world’s population is estimated to have FLD, including 13% of under-18s.
of people with Type 2 Diabetes have NAFLD.
of people with FLD experience increased cardiovascular risk.
spent on FLD in the US, €27.7b in Germany, France and Italy, and £5.24b in the UK annually.
(For Sources, click here.)
Fatty Liver Disease is the silent Global Pandemic
Liver Disease and Liver Cancer contribute $2.8 billion to our disease burden. Obesity, alcohol, sugary drinks, and increasingly sedentary lifestyles are exacerbating the problem, adding strain on our healthcare systems globally.
FLD is likely to become the leading cause of end-stage liver disease in the coming decades. Yet our liver education, support standards and screening guidelines have been slow to adapt.
The need for FibroScan® in public health systems
Early detection with FibroScan® CAP score screenings enables patients to reverse the signs of FLD, in some cases in just 6 weeks. With liver disease rapidly becoming one of the world’s most prolific health concerns, we as health professionals must act now for the benefit of all.
Explore more
S5-26.5 – Looking Back at #TLM2024: Promoting Healthy Livers and Looking Ahead to 2025
National MASLD Symposium Highlights the Importance of Advancing Liver Health in Australia
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