Insights from the 2024 EASL Congress: A Focus on Youth and Gender Diversity

Oct 4, 2024

The 2024 European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Congress, held on the 5th and 6th of June in Milan, Italy, brought together an impressive gathering of professionals in the hepatology field. 7,809 delegates, 401 faculty members and 5,500 participants were recorded on-site on the first day alone. The event was a significant opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and the advancement of liver disease research and treatment.

A Young and Diverse Delegation

One of the standout insights from this year’s congress was the youthful and gender-diverse representation among the attendees. Notably, 44% of the delegates were under the age of 40, highlighting a growing interest and involvement of the younger generation in the field of hepatology. This demographic shift is promising for the future of liver disease research and treatment, as it suggests a robust pipeline of emerging experts who will continue to drive innovation and improvement in patient care.

The congress saw a strong representation of female professionals, with women making up 51% of the delegates. This gender balance is a positive indicator of the strides being made toward inclusivity and diversity within the field, reflecting the broader global movement towards gender equality in medical and scientific professions.

International Participation and Collaboration

The international nature of the congress was also notable, with the United States boasting the highest number of delegates, followed by Italy and the United Kingdom. This diverse attendance underscores the global commitment to combating liver diseases and the importance of international collaboration in advancing research and treatment methodologies.

The Success of Sponsored Sessions

A key highlight of the event was the successful evolution of sponsored session attendance, a result of strategic scheduling that integrated these sessions into more suitable timeslots throughout the congress day. This adjustment was clearly effective, drawing higher participation and engagement from the delegates, thereby enhancing the overall impact of these sessions.

Louise’s Contribution to EASL

In line with our previous coverage, it’s worth acknowledging Louise’s contribution to the EASL Congress, particularly in the Skills Learning Centre. Alongside Laura Trucco from Spain, Louise played a pivotal role in demonstrating liver assessment techniques using liver stiffness measurement tools. Her expertise in this area not only contributed to the educational aspect of the congress but also reinforced her position as a leading figure in the field.

The 2024 EASL Congress  was a reflection of the evolving landscape of hepatology, marked by a commitment to diversity, youth involvement and global collaboration. The insights gained and the connections made during this congress will undoubtedly shape the future of liver disease treatment and research.

For a deeper dive into the data and outcomes of the congress, refer to the attached EASL post-event report